Specific massage of the head and shoulders. Acts on the nervous system and the body's balance.
Padaabhyanga Massage
Foot massage. Brings deep relaxation while stimulating the various organs of the body.
Mukhaabhyanga Massage
Specific facial massage with soothing oils. Releases facial tension and nourishes the skin.
Abhyanga Massage
Whole body massage with hot oil. It is a real energy work that allows the re-harmonization of body and mind
Kalari Marma Massage
Helps to improve the circulation of vital energy.
Abhyanga & Marma Massage
Full body oil massage that focuses on vital points of the body. Helps in detoxification and rejuvenation.
Synchro Abhyanga Massage
This treatment focuses on the 60 Marma points that are distributed throughout the body. These points are subtle vital energy complexes.
Shirodhara Treatment
Slow, regular and rhythmic flow of medicinal oil on the head. Rebalances the basic qualities of body and mind.
Takradhara Treatment
Slow, regular and rhythmic flow of medicinal buttermilk over the head or body. Soothes hypertension disorders.
Dhanyamla Dhara Treatment
Four-handed treatment. Body bath with warm medicinal water. Removes unwanted material from the body.
Pizhichil Treatment
Four-handed treatment. Body bath with warm medicinal oil. Strengthens the immune system.
Shashtika Shali Pinda Sweda
Deep massage with a hot pouch made of rice and milk. Strengthens muscles and increases vital energy.
Jambira Patola Sweda
Deep massage with a hot lemons and herbs pouch. Releases toxins and reduces tension.
Choorna Swedhana
Deep massage with a hot pouch made from herbal powders. Helps relieve pain and inflammation in the body.
Udwarthana Treatment
Exfoliation and deep massage with herbal powders. Helps reduce accumulated fat.
Bol Kansu treatment
Energetic foot massage with medicinal ghee and a bowl composed of 5 metals.
Pichu Treatment
Application of warm cotton wool soaked in medicinal oil on the parts of the skull and spine. Reduces back pain, relieves sciatica and herniated discs. Soothes migraines and promotes sleep.
Tarpanam Basti
Eye bath with medicinal ghee. Helps improve vision and heal pain in the eyes.
Janu Basti
Bath of the knee area with medicinal oil. Relieves joints and reduces pain.
Kati Basti
Bath of the spine with medicinal oil. Solves all pain related to the spine.
Greeva Basti
Bath the neck area with medicinal oil. Releases the tensions of the cervical and muscles.
Hridaya Basti
Bath the heart region with medicinal oil. Balances heart functions and improves breathing.
Netradhara Treatment
Wash eyes with medicinal water. It cleanses the eyes and gives clarity to the vision.
Nasyam Treatment
Nose treatment based on medicinal oil. Relieves headaches. It highlights all the senses.
Karnapurana Treatment
Oleation of the ears with low medicinal oil. Suppresses ear disorders and improves hearing.